Anxiety does crazy things to you. Like encouraging you to scroll endlessly through social media while drinking your favorite tea (because coffee is for people who like their anxiety with a side of jitters). What I suddenly realized is that everyone and their pets are now experts. I’m not kidding. I’m hoping to see a golden retriever offers a masterclass on ‘A Dog’s Purpose.’

Self-help gurus are everywhere! You got the self-proclaimed gurus, life coaches, and wellness experts. Don’t get me wrong, I love learning new things but when your cousin, who lives in his mom’s basement, is now offering solutions on how to “achieve greater wealth,” you’ve got to wonder if you’re dream of being Alice In Wonderland came true, and now you gotta be careful not to get your head chopped off by the Queen of Hearts. BTW, I don’t know how to play cards.

And then last week…

I found myself a “world-renowned expert” in social marketing who promised to teach me how to skyrocket my social media presence in just 30 days. His website was flashy, he had a ton of followers, and a smile that said, “I’ve got this figured out, and so can you!”

Well, he doesn’t have it figured out.

Two days into the training, I noticed a fishy smell (like his confidence was dying). This person’s advice was as generic as a fortune cookie. “Post consistently,” he said. “Engage with your audience,” he added. Wow, groundbreaking stuff, right? It felt like I was being taught how to drive by someone who’d only ever seen a car in a magazine. What almost choked me was when he said, “Don’t worry about analytics, just follow your gut.”

Talk about disappointing! Yep, I was a total sucker! Spent good money on something I could’ve picked up just by scrolling LinkedIn and reading Fred’s memes. No refunds, no turning back—this bad decision went straight into my ‘Disasters’ folder. The ‘30 days’ offer is the red flag failed to see! While I didn’t learn anything new about social marketing, I did walk away with one important lesson, “With great confidence comes some seriously great bullshitting.”

The Bullshit-o-Meter

You see, confidence is a funny thing. It’s like salt; just the right amount, and it enhances everything. Too much, and suddenly, you’re choking down a meal you can’t enjoy. And in today’s world, it seems like everyone has dumped a bucket of it onto their persona. It’s like we’re living in an age where the louder you shout, the more expert you are perceived to be. But let’s be honest—most of the time, the ones with the megaphones are just covering up for the fact that they don’t actually know what they’re talking about.

The problem is, it’s getting harder to tell who’s real and who’s just really good at faking it. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the haystack is made entirely of more needles, and you’re not even sure if the needle you’re looking for actually exists.

The Solution: Know Thyself

This is where knowing yourself comes in. When you truly understand who you are—what your goals are, what you need, and what you absolutely do not—you start to see through the noise. You can spot the real experts, the ones who aren’t shouting from the rooftops but quietly building their credibility through years of experience and actual results. These are the people who don’t need to sell you on how great they are because their work speaks for itself.

So, next time you’re tempted to follow the latest Insta-expert, ask yourself: Are they offering something real, or are they just good at making you think they are? Remember, the real experts are out there, but they’re often the ones who don’t need to brag about it. They’re like that secret speakeasy in the city—hard to find, but once you do, you’ll wonder how you ever settled for anything less.

In the end, it’s all about discernment. Knowing yourself well means you can spot someone who can truly connect with you and guide you on your journey. Because at the end of the day, the only expertise that really matters is the one that resonates with you and helps you grow—not just in followers, but in life.

And if all else fails, just remember: If the advice you’re getting sounds like something your Aunt Carol could have come up with after one too many mimosas, it’s probably time to keep scrolling.

Feel the rhythm, live the pulse, and make each day of your life echo through the universe.

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